.ONLINE domain name is free for the first year with a matching .co.uk/.com new domain name registration e.g. mydomain.online is free with mydomain.com. Package auto renews at standard rate. Offer valid from 28/11/2019 to 31/01/2021
All domain offers apply to new registrations only.
All domains registered under this offer must remain on their UK2.net plan for minimum of 12 months.
£1 .com domain offer on site is valid on a basis of one domain per customer.
All Offers renew at their normal, non-discounted rates after the initial contract period has completed.
All offers apply to new sales from our website or CHI control panel only and are not applicable for renewals or existing services.
UK2 reserves the right to alter or withdraw these offers at any time.
All UK2.net standard Terms and Conditions apply.
Discount codes are applicable to new purchases only
Last updated 13/11/2020