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How to setup email within your Gmail account

In this section, we will detail how to link your hosted email account with Gmail so mail is received within your Gmail inbox.

This article is intended for clients with email accounts set up on our email services through CHI. If you are a Reseller, VPS or Dedicated Server client, please note that not all of the instructions below will apply to your account.

Adding your email account to Gmail:

Step 1: Navigate To The Account Options In Gmail

Log into your Gmail account just as you would when you check your inbox.

Click on the settings icon in the top right hand corner (it will look like a gear), then click "See All Settings".

Click the "Accounts and Import" tab.

Find the ‘Check mail from other accounts” section, then click "Add an email account."
add email accounts

Step 2: Enter Your Account Information For Your Email

Enter your email address. Click Next Step >> as seen below.

enter email address

Type in your email address where it says Username. (Note: the default will be just your address without the domain, but make sure to include
Enter the password associated with your email account.
Change the POP server to:
Change the port to: 995.

Make sure the box that says ‘Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail.’ is checked. You can choose whether or not to check the other boxes based on your preferences.
Click Add Account. You will then be directed to a new page asking if you would like to send mail from your email account (you can always change this setting later).
Click Next Step, or Finish depending on whether or not you want to set up outgoing mail.

add account

Step 3: Verify That The Email Is Working Correctly

To verify that the email is working correctly by sending an email to your domain's email address. It should appear in your gmail account.

If you get stuck or have any questions feel free to contact our technical support team. They will be happy to assist you. 

Related Articles

How to set up Email in Mail for Mac
How to set up Email Accounts on iOS devices
How to create an Email Account within CHI
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