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How To Locate The Support PIN in CHI

When contacting UK2, you will need to verify that you are the owner of the account to discuss the information within the account. The preferred and easiest way to do this is by providing us with the Support Personal Identification Number (PIN) from inside your CHI account.

You can find your unique Support PIN in two ways.

Find the PIN on your Homepage:

1. Log into your UK2 CHI account

2. Under the 'Need a Little Help?' section, click 'Show Support PIN'

3. This will show your Support PIN above

Find the PIN in the Support section:

1. Click on the 'Account' button in the top right-hand corner of your page

2. From the box, click 'Support' 

3. This will bring up the 'Support' Section of your account. Here, you can find your PIN located in a blue box that says 'Support PIN'. 

If at any time you would like to change your PIN so that it is easier for you to remember, you can click the ‘Change’ button to the right-hand side.

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