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How To Change Your Email Address Password In CPanel

This article is help you use the New UK2 E-commerce software in customizing your website. If you have just setup the E-commerce package then you may need to wait for your E-commerce shop to finish setting up. If it has not been 24 hours since you purchased the E-commerce pack you may need to wait while your DNS settings finish propagating.

**You will need to change all references of to the domain that has the E-commerce package.**

Step 1: Log in to CHI at

 email accounts

Step 2: On the next page, you will see an option to “Change Password”. Click on that link next to the account for which you wish to change the password.

change password

Step 3: You will then be prompted for a new password. You will need to fill out the two fields (highlighted in yellow in the screenshot) and then click “Change Password”.

change password

If you do not have a password in mind, you can click the “Password Generator” button to have a random password generated. A box will appear (pictured below) with a random password. You will be prompted to copy the password to a safe place. Once you have done so, check the box and click the “Use Password” link. The fields will automatically populate with the new password.

confirm password

Step 4: Once you have clicked “Change Password” as detailed above, a confirmation box will appear.

password changed

You have now changed the password on that account. You can repeat this process for any other accounts you have set up through cPanel.

If you encounter any errors or problems with this process, please contact our technical support department. They will be happy to help resolve any issues you experience. Thank you for choosing UK2.

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