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How To Add FTP Accounts In Your cPanel

This article was created to assist you with the setup a FTP account in cPanel.

Step 1: Log into your CHI dashboard at

Step 2: Navigate to your shared hosting cPanel account.

Step 3: Under the “Files” section click the “FTP Accounts” option.

FTP Accounts

Step 4: Log In 

Enter your FTP Account Username to log into your account. You can find your FTP Account Username on the Shared Hosting homepage. To navigate to the homepage select the Shared Hosting icon on the sidebar on the left hand side of your screen. Next, click on the hosting plan you’re working with and the Shared Hosting homepage will appear as seen below.

FTP Details

Step 5: Password

Enter your FTP Password. This is the same password as your cPanel password. (Don’t remember your cPanel password? Click Here.)

Step 6: Directory  

 This is where you can specify which folder(s) your new account will be able to access.

*Specify the directory that this FTP user will have access to upload and overwrite any files to. Remove public_html and enter a directory name is the suggested method to ensure your website files are not overwritten.


Step 7: Quota 

By inserting a maximum number into the MB Quota section you can restrict how much disk space can be used for that account. If you do not want to impose a limit, select “Unlimited”.

Unlimited quota

Step 8: Click “Create FTP Account” to complete this task.

Step 9: You can now scroll down to the “FTP Accounts” heading and will be able to see your new FTP account listed and ready to use.

You are now ready to upload your files.

If you have any questions regarding this process please contact our support teams via live chat or by submitting a support ticket from within your CHI dashboard.

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