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Default Email settings for StackCP hosted emails

In this section, we will detail the default email settings used for our hosted email service.

Webmail Access:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Login in the top menu

Below are the default settings for your account.  You will need to modify the settings to match the domain for your account.  These settings will only work if your domain's MX Record is pointing to UK2 correctly.

Protocol: IMAP with SSL

    Account type: IMAP
    Incoming mail server:
    Outgoing mail server:
    Username: Your full email address
    Password: Your email address password 
(Can be reset in Dashboard or CHI)
    Incoming server port (IMAP): 993
    Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL
    Outgoing server port (SMTP): 465
    Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL/TLS

Protocol: POP3 with SSL

    Account type: POP3
    Incoming mail server:
    Outgoing mail server:
    Username: Your full email address
    Password: Your email address password 
(Can be reset in Dashboard or CHI)
    Incoming server port (POP3): 995
    Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL
    Outgoing server port (SMTP): 465
    Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL/TLS

If you experience any problems with the IMAP connection or receive a certificate warning, please disable "SSL/TLS encryption" and change the incoming server port to 143.

If either of the above sets of email settings don't work on your email program, then here is a second set of email settings, with SSL turned OFF which you can also test:
Protocol: IMAP** with no SSL
IMAP (incoming mail server):
SMTP (outgoing mail server):
Password: Your Password (Can be reset in Dashboard or CHI)
Incoming Port: 143
Outgoing Port: 25 
Outgoing Server Requires Authentication
SSL: Disabled
Secure Password Authentication: No




Protocol: POP3 with no SSL
POP3 (incoming mail server):
SMTP (outgoing mail server):
Password: Your Password (Can be reset in Dashboard or CHI)
Incoming Port: 110
Outgoing Port: 25 
Outgoing Server Requires Authentication
SSL: Disabled
Secure Password Authentication: No

Mail Client Setup Guides:

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How to log into Webmail
How to change your Email Password
How to save Emails to your Personal Computer
How to set up an email account within Mozilla Thunderbird
How to setup your email in Outlook

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